Turmeric Could Help Prevent Heart Attack

Turmeric Could Help Prevent Heart Attack

Turmeric Could Help Prevent Heart Attack

A new study suggests that turmeric could help prevent heart attacks after surgery.  Curcumins, which give turmeric the yellow pigment it is known for, could help ease surgical risks when used in conjunction with traditional treatment. (You can read more about turmeric's healing properties I wrote about by clicking here.)

During bypass surgery, the heart muscles and surrounding muscles weaken due to a lack of blood flow which then can lead to the patient having a heart attack.  The use of curcumins for cancer therapy is already being tested.

Inflammation plays a big part in diseases such as heart disease which is why it is no surprise that turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are substantial reasons behind this study for this form of treatment.

You can read more about this study here:

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